Friday, October 17, 2008

All smiles!

So the first two pics I put on just because I love to see kids with huge smiles and so happy that they can't hold it in. Griffin is just enjoying tummy time and it's so fun because he is laughing now and can hold his end of a conversation. Baby talk of course. He'll go back an forth with you no problem.
And what 3 year old wouldn't have a grin from ear to ear if they were on the carousel at the Grandville Mall. You would think it was Disney World. Fine with me, it's a whole lot cheaper!
After the mall, we went to a local park with our friend Ava. The kids had a riot running around and we thought that we would take advantage of one of the last warmer days.

Griffin is like his mommy in the sense that he is 100% content with just people watching at the park. Pretyy bad isn't it!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Your boys are so stinkin' cute. Love the dimples.