Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Like I said earlier we had an ultrasound at the end of last week just to make sure everything was on track with the baby, and..... GREAT news!! All is well, heart rate was perfect the baby measured perfect and all was in order. We were also told that once we have seen a heart rate at this stage and have seen what we saw, the chance of a mis or any complications goes down huge. So, thanks for the prayers so far, any more would still be appreciated. Hope all is well with everyone else and that everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Hey everyone, we just wanted to fill you in on some good news..... Baby #2 is on the way!!! I am just about 7 weeks along but with the complications in the past, it was kind of hard to keep a secret. Everything looks great so far, we have had a couple of blood tests which have been perfect and an ultrasound tomorrow which will tell more. So, if you could keep us in your prayers for a healthy baby and to calm our nerves a bit that would be greatly appreciated. More updates to come!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Parker had soooo much fun trick or treating this year. He went with his cousin Lily the Ladybug. It took him a little bit to grasp the whole concept but eventually he got it. The first door he went to he said the whole trick or treat thing and when they opened the door he set his bag down inside the door, turned around and walked away. Once he got it, loved it

Parker has a special giraffe that he sleeps with every night so when I saw this costume I just had to get it!!