Thursday, February 9, 2012

I think I Can I Think I Can

Maybe if I keep repeating that to myself I will magically be able to keep up with this whole blogging thing. Sorry everyone, life gets a little busy around here and no offense but a blog has not been my top priority. But, yes there is a but, I have been "informed" by quite a few people in the past week or two that they would really like to keep up with our family a little bit better and the blog would be a great way to do that. I can't make any promises however, I am going to try to keep up a teensy bit better. So here is a start..... An updated picture of my Three amazing children. Parker 6 1/2, Griffin 3 1/2 and Tessa 14 months
For those of you wondering... Yes that is a first ponytail for Tessa! Well actually a large bow and a teeny little sprout that you cant even see. But this is big people. We have only been waiting a year for this. :)

So Cheers To A New Start!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Yessssssss!! Love it! Welcome back!