Friday, January 15, 2010

Fun Facts For The Day!

This post is a little different than the ususal ones. However, I thought it was fun and just wanted to share it with you.
Can It Be True?

Can shopping honestly be good for you? Well, I know that when I get home from a long day of shopping, I am pooped. My feet hurt, my legs hurt and my back hurts as well. It always made me think that even though I am causing a lot of “damage” there has to be a part of this that is good for me. So, this week when I came upon some information to back up my thoughts, I just had to share them with you.
~ The average woman covers 2.96 miles on a shopping trip
~ They notch up 154 miles a year
~ The average woman burns around 385 calories - the equivalent of a piece of carrot cake or two large glasses of wine - trudging around stores each week.
~ Women take an average 7,305 steps each time they head out on a spree, almost three quarters the 10,000 daily number recommended by the NHS
Shopping trips per year x hours walked each time =
Total hours spent shopping each year
Clothes shopping 24 x 1 hour, 59 minutes
47 hours, 31 minutes
Food shopping 60 x 1 hour, 22 minutes
82 hours, 12 minutes
Local shopping 48 x 38 minutes
30 hours, 14 minutes
TOTAL 159 hours, 57 minutes
So using a rate of five calories per minute, the average woman will burn 47,985 calories each month.
(Calorie burn rate is based on an average body weight of 175 pounds, walking at an average speed of 3mph)
*stats from

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