Thursday, June 5, 2008

Baby Update!

So after listening to Doctors orders, we were able to keep this little boy inside for 36 weeks which was our goal. I feel like I have done my job as a mother. I went to my appointment this morning and found that he is surely getting ready to make his appearance. I am already to 3cm and over 50% some other stuff. ( I don''t know who all reads this so I don't want to get too graphic) Anyway, Doc said he doesn't think that I will go within the next week, but I would really, really like to make it at least 1 more week. Parker was right on time, a great size and such an easy baby and I would love for that to happen again. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind going a little early, but not 4 weeks. They have told me that I am measuring a little big and I will always have above average sized babies, so that makes me feel a little better.

Anyway, I guess I am asking for prayers that I will last one more week. Thanks everybody and we will keep you posted!

1 comment:

Meeuwsens said...

We are praying! Hope that little guy stays warm inside your tummy for a few weeks yet!