Thursday, April 24, 2008


Sorry it has been a while.... We have been quite busy lately with all the house stuff. Just wanted to let you all know where we were standing with that. Tomorrow me and my mother and mother-in-law will be there all day with the initial clean. Most of the house is done and I can't wait to get in there. We are planning to slowly move all of our stuff in over the next week and will hopefully be sleeping there by next weekend.

This whole move is going to be pretty hard for me being pregnant. I am very restricted with what I am allowed to do. Pretty much nothing. I have been having too many contractions that the doctor does not like so no lifting, cleaning, exercising and so on. We need this baby to stay put for at least another 8 weeks or so. In other words I just stand or sit there and say this box here that box there. We had an appointment 2 weeks ago and they ended up checking me b/c of the amount of contractions I was having. I was not dialated at that time but she said stuff was starting to happen. They did a test to see if labor would start in the next 2 weeks and that came back negative thank the Lord! We have another appointment tomorrow with another test so hopefully we get some good news at that one. Like no change! So prayers would be great right now for minimal contractions and an easy move in! Thankfully we have lots of family around that are so willing to help us out.

I will post some pictures shortly of the house in it's final stage!

1 comment:

Meeuwsens said...

I'll be praying that your little guy stays put for a while! Thanks for the update!