Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I know, I know!!!

Where have we been? I know. We really haven't been up to that much! However we have managed to keep busy. One thing we had was swimming lessons for Parker. We went to the Aquatic Center one night a week for 6 weeks with his friend Abby. What an experience that was. The first two weeks were great and then with no warning something flipped in his head and he had a huge fear of the lessons. When I say fear, I mean screaming, running away from the teacher and would not go in the water. Not just a tear here and there. After two more lessons the teacher who was amazing with him, slowly got him back in and by the end, he was in love again. I had my old Parker back. The one who would swim all day long and hates it when we tell him to get out of the water. Oh the joys of 4 years old boys!
Here is his friend Abby and her big brother Zack who came to watch!

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