Monday, March 19, 2012

Gentlemen….. Start Your Engines, I Mean Batteries!

My nephew Noah was able to spend part of the weekend with us and boy oh boy did the three of them have some fun!  They set up a Nascar track for their electric scooters.  I bet they went around that track at least 20o times.

march 2012 014 The pose was their idea may I add

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And the cheering section….. Diva T

march 2012 006 And of course Griff

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Monday, March 12, 2012

The Difference Between Boys And Girls

  Not just in personality but how they use things differently……

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Take note on the necklace she is now obsessed with!  If she is awake, she wants it on. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Spoon Full Of Anything!

I don’t know why but there is something about your child learning to use a spoon that immediately shoots them out of the infant stage and right into toddlerhood.  Bittersweet thing for me.  Miss Tessa sure thinks she is hot stuff with this new talent!march 2012 028

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Take Your Pet To School Day!

Last week Griffin had take your pet to school day!  He was sooo excited!  I had the privilege to be class helper that day which was great as well.  A bunch of kids just took pictures of their pets which was so cute to see.  However, maybe 5 of them brought in their actual pets.  Yup, one by one these gorgeous dogs come in.  Big beautiful dogs that have about 15 kids ooohing and aaaahhhing over them.  Showing off all their tricks.  Sitting on command, high fives all around and even a little dancing.  Next thing we know, it is Griffins turn…….march 2012 026

What is that you say???? You can see anything….

Wait for it… Wait for it…

march 2012 027 There you go. Once the crowds part you can see our furless, hairless, mute little 2 inch fish named Flipper.  No walking or exercise needed.  Just feed him 4 little pebbles a day and if you miss two or three days in a row, he will be just fine.  That’s our kind of pet folks.  Though the kids did at least act like they really loved him.